Thursday, June 12, 2014

Business and Late Night Thoughts

Well, the last few weeks and days have been spectacularly busy preparing for my departure and next year in general.
Sunday I went to one of my best friend's dance recitals.  She dedicated one of her dances to me.  :)  It's reasons like this that I will miss my friends so much next year, but I also know I am blessed to have had her and so many others in my life.  Our relationships will change, but will grow stronger.
Monday my mom and I visited a college a few hours away from my house.  We met with two professors in different departments, one of which was International Studies.  After talking with her, I don't know if that's a degree I'd like to pursue, but I'm definitely keeping my options open.
Tuesday I had a doctor appointment to fill out my health form required by AFS.  Thank goodness I did not have to get any more shots.  I already had to get three two last week which was pretty painful and involved me passing out in the parking garage elevator... yeah, real fun.  But it's all worth it for Thailand!
Then my older sister (who is going to college next year) and I had 12 friends over at our house for a going away party/sleepover which was extremely fun!  We ate a whole bag of jelly beans in 10 minutes, went on a walk/run around our neighborhood, and stayed outside until past midnight.  Then some brave few - about seven of us - stayed up late (or early, I guess) in my room talking about everything you could imagine.  I'm not going to share our exact topics because it rambled all over the place but it was an extremely deep, lovely conversation and debate and I don't regret only getting two hours of sleep because every moment spent with these incredible ladies is precious and it was definitely a powerful night.  :)
And then I crashed the next day.
I also have my host family, which is extremely exciting and requires its own post, coming soon!  I have been messaging my host sister and she could not be any sweeter.  I can't wait to meet them!
This post is already very long and I definitely need some photos, so I'll wrap up by saying that I am scared.  Yes, even though I have this incredible opportunity that I may never get again and I finally achieved my dream of being accepted to YES Abroad, I am experiencing feelings of doubt, anxiety, and reluctance to go.  My fears are numerous and mainly trivial, and I've been told that every exchanger goes through a roller coaster of emotions both before and during their exchange.  I'm supposed to be getting lots of sleep every night but I end up reading very late and then lying awake thinking about my exchange and all my worries about it.
Despite this I wouldn't change a thing and I can't wait to be there.  To any future exchange students reading this - know that fear is completely normal and absolutely OK.  Letting it overwhelm you and ruin your enthusiasm and your experience is not.

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